- We called it tragic. Back to 27 march 2008, we received incoming call from Bapak lebak bulus, informed that there was a flood at cirendue-pondok cabe because of Lake situ gintung was colapsed and the traffic went very bad from ciputat to lebak bulus, so if we want to go to lebak bulus we had to use toll road instead.
- At first, we thought that it wasnt that so bad, and on that day, our schedule was went for groceries to BSD. We were really shocked when we saw TV in the evening, we cannot believed that it really worse than we thought.
- Some of the area, was the area that we always passing by for going home when ciputat fly over development hasn't finished yet.
- To that, we would like to say Our deepest symphaty for the victims, may God gives us the strength to face all this tragic, and continue our live with big hope.
Figo, Ayah dan Ibund
30 March 2009